To create a new kit edit one or add default spawn items follow these steps!
+Login to g-portal website
+Click 'My Servers' on left hand side.
+Click your server
+Select 'Console' on left hand side
Enter in the console (You will have to do this everytime you restart server unless you add boot commands. (Click here)
+"start" is where you would want to put the name of the kit
+"wood" is where you would type the "itemshortname"
+20000 is where you would time the quantity
+1 would be the durability of the item
+main is where the item will be placed "main" "belt" "wear"
Once you have setup your kit you need to assign it to a usergroup or give it to someone buy entering one of the following.
"start" is the name of the kit you want to give or add
"user" is the group you want to give it to ("User", "Moderator", "VIP", "Admin", "Owner")
if you would like to only give it to one person the command to use would be
To remove a kit or item simply enter the command below (if no item in kit the entire kit will be deleted)
to delete whole kit just remove the "itemshortname"
+Login to g-portal website
+Click 'My Servers' on left hand side.
+Click your server
+Select 'Console' on left hand side
Enter in the console (You will have to do this everytime you restart server unless you add boot commands. (Click here)
kit add "Start" "wood" 20000 1 main"
+"wood" is where you would type the "itemshortname"
+20000 is where you would time the quantity
+1 would be the durability of the item
+main is where the item will be placed "main" "belt" "wear"
Once you have setup your kit you need to assign it to a usergroup or give it to someone buy entering one of the following.
kit edit "Start" addgroup "User"
"start" is the name of the kit you want to give or add
"user" is the group you want to give it to ("User", "Moderator", "VIP", "Admin", "Owner")
if you would like to only give it to one person the command to use would be
kit givetoplayer "start" "Gamertag\ID"
To remove a kit or item simply enter the command below (if no item in kit the entire kit will be deleted)
to delete whole kit just remove the "itemshortname"
kit remove "kitname" "itemshortname"
kit delete "kitname"
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